Have you ever been driving around and seen a house listed for sale and wondered how much it was?
No flyers available, don't really feel like calling and talking to some pushy realtor (note sarcasm)?
Download our app to your smart phone, choose the option of "houses around me" and it will show you all the homes listed in close proximity.
Go to our website home page (http://www.prudentialindiana.com/), scroll down and on the left you will see the icon for the Prudential Indiana Realty Group Moblie Property Search. Click on that icon and you will see the directions to load onto either an I-Phone or Blackberry or other smart phone.
I tried it myself one night when we were driving home and I saw that the house 6 doors down had been listed. I pulled up the application and SHAZAM - there it was!!! I was able to get the price, comments and look at pictures.
Be in the Know!
No flyers available, don't really feel like calling and talking to some pushy realtor (note sarcasm)?
Download our app to your smart phone, choose the option of "houses around me" and it will show you all the homes listed in close proximity.
Go to our website home page (http://www.prudentialindiana.com/), scroll down and on the left you will see the icon for the Prudential Indiana Realty Group Moblie Property Search. Click on that icon and you will see the directions to load onto either an I-Phone or Blackberry or other smart phone.

I tried it myself one night when we were driving home and I saw that the house 6 doors down had been listed. I pulled up the application and SHAZAM - there it was!!! I was able to get the price, comments and look at pictures.
Be in the Know!
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