Monday, August 21, 2017

The Stats on Stuff

The Stats on Stuff

In 2014 there were 3 times as many self storage facilities as McDonald's restaurants.

Before garages, cellars were used for storage.

The most expensive place to store stuff is Tokyo. ($280/mo)

US represents 29% of the world consumer market

In 2011 there were 58,500 self storage facilities in the world. 49,000 of those were in the US. There were 3,000 in Canada and 1,000 in Australia

It is believed that the concept of storage began in England in the 19th century when citizens left their valuables in the care of banks before embarking on extended journeys.

Americans love cars - but not enough to keep them inside.  In 2015 a survey said 1 out of 4 Americans can not fit a car in their garage. 34% of those said they had no idea what all was in their garage.

Time to break free - save money - save your car and lighten your load!!!!

#storage #stuff #downsizing #selfstorage #garage #realestate

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